About Me

Hey, I'm Nick! I'm a senior at Stony Brook University studying Computer Science, and on my way to obtaining my Bachelors of Science.

I enjoy working with all kinds of technology and software. Lately I've been really enjoying Full-stack development with more of a focus on the back-end.

If you want to contact me, you can do so by email: nicholaspirrello@gmail.com

My university and community college education


Stony Brook University

January 2017 - May 2019 (Expected Graduation)

Key Coursework: Algorithims, Systems Fundamentals I and II, Technical Communications, Computer Security Fundamentals, Introduction to Software Engineering, Database Systems, Computer Networks

Suffolk County Community College

September 2015 - Decemeber 2016 (Transfer credits)

Key Coursework: Intermediate Java Programming, Data Structures, Advanced Java Programming

Some cool places I've worked

More in-depth descriptions of my work experience can be found on my résumé. Feel free to check it out!

LBi Software

Software Engineering Intern

May 2018 - Present

As a part of the HR Helpdesk rewrite team I was tasked with developing the scalable and secure Java + Spring REST API and the responsive front-end web application written in Angular 6.

Technology Stack

Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, Angular, SASS, Apache Lucene

Axe Creatives

Software Developer

July 2017 - March 2018

As a solo developer I was tasked with creating a desktop-based suite of custom billing software for clients. The suite included csv parsing, a interactive GUI, and pdf generation.

Technology Stack

Python, PyQt

Some languages and technologies I've worked with


Programming Languages

Java, Python, TypeScript, SQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, C

Technologies and Frameworks

Spring Boot, Angular, Git, MySQL, Apache Lucene, JUnit, JSP, Servlets

Tools and Software

Jira, VioletUML

Some projects I've worked on

If you want to look at these projects in depth and check out some more view my Github!

Rower's Meet

Team size: 3

A web-based dating application targetted towards professional and collegiate level rowers. Features a Java JSP-based backend with a MySQL database hosted on AWS.

Technology Stack

Java, MySQL, JSP, Servlets, HTML/CSS

Incognito - Webcrawler & Login bruteforcer

Team size: 4

A webcrawler and login form bruteforcer that utilizes either a breadth-first or depth-first search to identify links within the website, important keywords and url containing login web forms to later bruteforce.

Technology Stack

Python, BeautifulSoup

Course Website Generator

Team size: 1

A desktop based course website generation application targetting towards Univerity professors and Lecturers. Features a Java and JavaFX gui for easy and intuitive course webpage creation.

Technology Stack

Java, JavaFX, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JUnit

Text Analytics

Team size: 1

A desktop based Java text editor featuring regular expression analysis for calculating the text's reading level, word,sentence, and syllable count.

Technology Stack

Java, JavaFX, Regex

Dynamic Memory Allocator

Team size: 1

An implementation of the C language's malloc, free, and realloc functions using the segregated free list strategy.

Technology Stack


More projects to come...

Some techinical writing examples

These were written recently during my time in Stony Brook University's CSE 300 class (Technical Communications)



Check out my resume here!

User Instructions

Check out my user instructions here!

News Release + Infographic

Check out my news release here!